Geometry and Topology Seminar 

Fall 2010, METU, Ankara

Time / Location: Mondays 15:40 / İkeda

Schedule of talks


TIME              SPEAKER                  TITLE
October 4
Mon, 15:40
Alexander Degtyarev
On real determinantal quartics
October 11
Mon, 15:40
Mustafa Kalafat
Symposium on Algebra and Number Theory
Topology of Locally Conformally Flat 4-Manifolds
October 18
Mon, 15:40
General Seminar on Thursday 21th at 15:40 by
Selma Altιnok Bhupal
Computing the minimal Z-generators for the semigroup of Lipman
October 25
Mon, 15:40
Mustafa Kalafat
Topology of Locally Conformally Flat 4-Manifolds 2
November 1
Mon, 15:40
Selma Altιnok Bhupal
Page-genus minimization problem for open book decompositions
November 8
Mon, 15:40
Alexander Degtyarev
Two more talks this week, see below.
The Alexander module of a trigonal curve
November 11
Thu, 15:40
Mohan Bhupal
See AG Seminar by Türkmen on Friday
Weighted homogeneous singularities and rational homology disk smoothings
General Seminar, Unusual date
November 15
Mon, 15:40
No Seminar Kurban Bayramι
November 22
Mon, 15:40
Ahmet Beyaz
See AG Seminar by M.Pamuk on Friday
Mirror Duality via G_2 and Spin(7) Manifolds
after Akbulut and Salur
November 29
Mon, 15:40
Mehmetçik Pamuk
S-cobordism classification of 4-manifolds
December 6
Mon, 15:40
Ahmet Beyaz
Two more talks this week, see below.
Mirror Duality via G_2 and Spin(7) Manifolds 2
after Akbulut and Salur
December 9
Th, 15:00
John W. Morgan
(Stony Brook)
See AG Seminar by Kalafat on Friday
The Topology of 3-dimensional manifolds
Arf Lecture in M13
December 13
Mon, 15:40
Sema Salur
Manifolds with G_2 Holonomy and Contact Structures
December 15
Wed, 13:40
Mahir Bilen Can
Unipotent Invariant Quadrics
Unusual date
December 21
Tue, 15:40
Selman Akbulut
(Michigan State University)
See AG Seminar by Sertöz on Friday
Cappell-Shaneson homotopy 4-spheres are standard
Unusual date
December 27
Mon, 15:40
Arzu Zabun
Configurations of Lines on a Cubic Surface
January 3
Mon, 15:40
Fιrat Arιkan
An algorithm constructing Lefschetz fibrations on compact Stein 4-manifolds
January 3
Mon, 16:40
Çağrι Karakurt
Knot Floer Homology and Contact Surgeries


Degtyarev : We describe all possible arrangements of the ten nodes of a generic real determinantal quartic surface in P^3 with nonempty spectrahedral region.

Kalafat : We construct handlebody diagrams of families of non-simply connected Locally Conformally Flat(LCF) 4-manifolds realizing rich topological types, which are obtained from conformal compactifications of the 3-manifolds, that are built from the Panelled Web Groups. These manifolds have strictly negative scalar curvature and the underlying topological 4-manifolds do not admit any Einstein metrics. This is a joint work with S. Akbulut.

Selma : (Oct21) Let (S,0) be a germ of a normal complex analytic surface. Consider a resolution (X,E) --> (S,0) of it where E is the exceptional divisor whose irreducible components are denoted by E1...En. The set of positive divisors Y supported on this exceptional divisor E satisfying the inequality Y Ei <= 0 for all i, forms a semigroup, called the semigroup of Lipman. The smallest element of the semigroup characterizes rational singularities. It can be calculated by Laufer's algorithm. All other elements can also be computed by the algorithms given by Lipman, Tosun, Altinok-Bhupal. The natural question to ask is how to determine the explicit Z-generators for the semigroup. To answer this question, we develop a method inspired by toric geometry to compute the minimal generating set for the semigroup of Lipman.

Selma : It is known that oriented contact structures on a closed 3-manifold M are related to open book decompositions of M by the fundamental theorem of Grioux. Therefore, this allows one to ask what either the minimal page genus or the minimal sum of page-genus and the number of connected components of the binding of an open book supporting a given contact sturture on M is. Let (X,x)be a germ of a normal complex anlytic surface and f be a germ of a holomorphic function on it. Then one can define an open book decomposition on the link M_X of (X,x) supported by the canonical contact structure on M_X. These open book decompoistions are called “Milnor open books” studied by C. Caubel, A. Nemethi and P. Papescu-Pampu. Here we solve the page-genus minimization problem among Milnor open books for the link of rational singularities.

Alex2 : The Alexander module of an algebraic curve is a certain purely algebraic invariant of the fundamental group of (the complement of) the curve. Introduced by Zariski and developed by Libgober, it is still a subject of intensive research. We will describe the Alexander modules and Alexander polynomials (both over Q and over finite fields F_p ) of a special class of curves, the so called generalized trigonal curves. The rational case is closed completely; in the case of characteristic p>0, a few points remain open. (Conjecturally, all polynomials that can appear are indeed listed.) Unlike most known divisibility theorems, which rely upon the degree and the types of the singularities of the curve, our bounds are universal: essentially, the Alexander module of a trigonal curve can take but a finitely many values.

Mohan : We classify the resolution graphs of weighted homogeneous surface singularities which admit rational homology disk smoothings. The nonexistence of rational homology disk smoothings is shown by symplectic geometric methods, while the existence is verified via smoothings of negative weight.

Beyaz : The main purpose of this talk is to give a mathematical definition of ``mirror symmetry'' for Calabi-Yau and G_2 manifolds. More specifically, we explain how to assign a G_2 manifold (M,\phi,\Lambda), with the calibration 3-form \phi and an oriented 2-plane field \Lambda, a pair of parametrized tangent bundle valued 2 and 3-forms of M. These forms can then be used to define various different complex and symplectic structures on certain 6-dimensional subbundles of T(M). When these bundles are integrated they give mirror CY manifolds. In a similar way, one can define mirror dual G_2 manifolds inside of a Spin(7) manifold (N^8, \Psi). In case N^8 admits an oriented 3-plane field, by iterating this process we obtain Calabi-Yau submanifold pairs in N whose complex and symplectic structures determine each other via the calibration form of the ambient G_2 (or Spin(7)) manifold.

Mehmetçik : In this talk we are going to show how one can use the group of homotopy self-equivalences of a 4-manifold together with the modified surgery theory of Matthias Kreck to give an s-cabordism classification of topological 4-manifolds. We will work with certain funda- mental groups and give s- cobordism classification in terms of standard invariants.

Morgan : Poincaré launched the subject of 3-dimensional topology in 1904. At the end of a long treatise on 3-manifolds he asked what became known as the Poincaré Conjecture: Is every simply connected 3-manifold homeomorphic to the 3-sphere. This problem sparked a century of work on manifolds of dimensions 3 and higher, work that made topology one of the most dynamic and exciting areas of mathematics during the 20th century. But in spite of all this work, at the end of the 20th century the Poincaré Conjecture still stood unresolved. Then in 2002 and 2003, Grigory Perelman put a series of 3 preprints on the archive that completely resolved this conjecture and the more general conjecture, due to Thurston, about the structure of all 3-manifolds. His approach was to use work of Richard Hamilton concerning what is called the Ricci flow. This is a parabolic evolution equation for a Riemannian metric on a manifold. In this talk we will review the motivating questions and the Ricci flow. After giving this background we will then sketch Perelman's method of solution.

Sema : A 7-dimensional Riemannian manifold (M,g) is called a G_2 manifold if the holonomy group of its Levi-Civita connection of g lies inside G_2. In this talk, I will first give brief introductions to G_2 manifolds, and then discuss relations between G_2 and contact structures. This is a joint work with Hyunjoo Cho and Firat Arikan.

Mahir : We describe the variety of fixed points of a unipotent operator acting on the space of symmetric matrices or, equivalently, the corresponding space of quadrics. We compute the determinant and the rank of a generic symmetric matrix in the fixed variety, yielding information about the generic singular locus of the corresponding quadrics.

Akbulut : We show here that an infinite sequence of homotopy 4-spheres constructed by Cappell-Shaneson are all diffeomorphic to S^4. This generalizes previous results of Akbulut-Kirby and Gompf. Reference: Annals of Mathematics (2) 171 (2010), no. 3.

Arzu : A cubic surface can be represented by blowing up of projective plane at six points. The six exceptional divisors yield a configuration of six skew lines out of 27 lines on a cubic surface. I will discuss how configurations of six generic points in the projective plane are related to the corresponding configurations of six skew lines in the three dimensional projective space.

Fιrat : Loi-Piergallini and Akbulut-Ozbagci showed that every compact Stein surface admits a Lefschetz fibration over the 2-disk with bounded fibers. In this talk, we describe an algorithm which gives an alternative proof of this result. This is a joint work with Selman Akbulut.

Çağrι : The knot Floer homology is a very powerful Floer theoretic invariant of knots in 3-manifolds which was recently introduced by Ozsvath and Szabo. It detects the genus of a knot and whether a given knot is fibred. It also provides lower bounds for the four ball genera of knots in the three-sphere. The purpose of this talk is to discuss yet another application of the knot Floer homology in low-dimensional topology. Using the underlying filtered chain complex of the knot Floer homology, we will calculate some invariants contact manifolds that are obtained by surgery on a Legendrian knot.

This page is maintained by  Mustafa Kalafat
Thanks to Hülya Argüz for handling the hardcopy posters.
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