Spring 2011 , Ankara

Instructor: Dr. Mustafa Kalafat (kalafggmail.com)
Office: A:424, Ç:107C.

Text: A First Course in Geometric Topology and Differential Geometry by Ethan D. Bloch. Birkhauser. 1997.
Auxiliary text: Elementary Differential Geometry 2nd Edition by Andrew Pressley. Springer. 2010.

Some other helpful books:
Differential geometry, curves - surfaces - manifolds by Wolfgang Kuehnel.
Elementary Differential Geometry by Barrett O'Neill, Revised 2nd Edition, Academic Press, 2006.

Homework: Homework will be posted to the web once in two weeks.
Please staple your homework whenever it consists of more than a single page.

Examinations: There will be two midterm examinations and a final examination.

Grades: Grades will be assigned on the following basis:
Homework 15%, Midterms 25% each, Final 35%.

Web page: The course web page is http://kalafat.droppages.com/teach/dg2011/.

Calendars: Monthly


  1. Relativity , Black Holes etc.
  2. Barrett O'Neill's web page.
  3. Roger Penrose.