Spring 2009 , MadisonCourse Grader:
Jeff Stanczyk (
Abstract Algebra by David Dummit and Richard Foote,
3rd or 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2004.
Some other helpful textbooks :
D. S. Malik , John M. Mordeson , M. K. Sen - Fundamentals of Abstract Algebra : Includes lots of worked out exercises.
John B. Fraleigh - A First Course in Abstract Algebra : Extra explanations, motivations, examples.
John T. Moore - Introduction to Abstract Algebra : Easy reading.
Homework: Homework will be posted to the web once a week,
or once in two weeks.
Please staple your homework
whenever it consist of more than a single page.
Examinations: There will
be two midterm examinations and a final examination.
Grades: Grades will be assigned on
the following basis:
Homework 25%, Midterms 20% each,
Final 35%.
Web page: The course web page is