Seminar on Geometry

Spring/Fall 2025, Boğaziçi, İstanbul

Time / Location: Fridays 4:00 / TB-240

Schedule of talks


TIME              SPEAKER                  TITLE
Jan 10
Fri, 4:00
Zoom link. Pass: geometry in Turkish.
Meeting ID: 991 1027 7750
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 2
Jan 17
Fri, 4:00

Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 3
Spectrum of the complex projective space
Jan 24
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 4
Jacobi Fields on Spheres
Jan 31
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 5
Jacobi Fields on Spheres
Feb 7
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 6
Jacobi Fields on Spheres
Feb 14
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 7
Jacobi Fields on Spheres
Feb 21
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 8
Orthogonal, graded decomposition of the Berger Eigenspace
Feb 28
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 9
Orthogonal, graded decomposition of the Berger Eigenspace
Mar 7
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 10
Dimension counting for Eigenspaces
Mar 14
Fri, 4:00

Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 11
Dimension counting continued
Mar 21
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 12
First eigenvalue of the Laplacian
Conference Differential geometry beyond Riemannian manifolds
Lipschitz-Saal, Endenicher Allee 60, Bonn
Apr 5
Fri, 4:00
Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces 13
First eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Berger Spheres
Apr 19
Fri, 4:00
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Berger spheres 12
First eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Berger Spheres
Apr 26
Fri, 4:00
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Berger spheres 13
Equivalence of metrics
May 1
Wed, 2:00
Labor Day
May 3
Fri, 4:00
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Berger spheres 14
Eigenvalues for conformally equivalent metrics
May 10
Fri, 4:00
Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Berger spheres 15
Eigenvalues for conformally equivalent metrics
May 15
Wed, 2:00
Dies Academicus
May 17
Fri, 4:00
No Seminar
May 24
Fri, 4:00
May 31
Fri, 4:00
No Seminar
Conference Frontiers of Geometric Analysis
Jun 14
Fri, 4:00
No Seminar
Jun 21
Fri, 4:00
Minimal submanifolds of Einstein Spaces 1
Laplacian of the second fundamental form on a sphere
Jun 28
Fri, 4:00
Minimal submanifolds of Einstein Spaces 2
Laplacian of the second fundamental form on a hypersurface of a sphere
Jul 4
Thu, 4:30
Alexei Penskoi
MPIM, Bonn
Critical metrics for eigenvalues in Riemannian Geometry and minimal / harmonic maps
Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie, MPIM Lecture Hall
Jul 5
Fri, 4:00
Mean curvature of a Riemannian submanifold under conformal rescaling
Estimates on the shape operator
Jul 12
Fri, 4:00
Curvature decompositions in Einstein and Kähler spaces 1
Jul 19
Fri, 4:00
Curvature decompositions in Einstein and Kähler spaces 1
Jul 26
Fri, 4:00
No Seminar
Jul 21
Aug 1
Videos The 16th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School
Aug 9
Fri, 4:00
Curvature decompositions in Einstein and Kähler spaces 1
Scalar curvature rigidity
Aug 16
Fri, 4:00
Curvature decompositions in Einstein and Kähler spaces 2
Estimates on the shape operator
Hybrid Workshop New Frontiers in Curvature & Special Geometric Structures and Analysis
Simons-Laufer Math Institute
Aug 23
Fri, 4:00
Curvature decompositions in Einstein and Kähler spaces 3
Scalar curvature rigidity
Hybrid Workshop New Frontiers in Curvature
Simons-Laufer Math Institute
Aug 30
Fri, 4:00
Curvature decompositions in Einstein and Kähler spaces 4
Estimates on the shape operator
Sep 6
Fri, 4:00
No Seminar
Sep 1-6

The 17th GTSS Geometry-Topology Summer School
Nesin Mathematics Village - Week 1
Sep 8-13

Summer School
Week 2
Sep 15-20

Summer School
Week 3
Sep 27
Fri, 4:00
No Seminar


Curvature of Berger Spheres in Complex Projective Spaces

Berger spheres are introduced by Marcel Berger. These are odd dimensional spheres, which are squashed in a direction. The shrinking direction can be provided by the circle action on the complex Euclidean space. In other words, it corresponds to shrinking or expanding the Hopf circles in an odd dimensonal sphere. Consequently, the resulting Riemannian metric is different than the round metric. In these seminar series, we understand the curvature and the Jacobi operator of Berger spheres embedded in complex projective spaces. We will be using the following resources.


  1. Kalafat, Kelekçi and Taşdemir. Minimal submanifolds and stability in Einstein manifolds by .
    E-print available at arXiv:2406.03347 math.DG, 2024.

Eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Berger spheres

Berger spheres are introduced by Marcel Berger. These are odd dimensional spheres, which are squashed in a direction. The shrinking direction can be provided by the circle action on the complex Euclidean space. In other words, it corresponds to shrinking or expanding the Hopf circles in an odd dimensonal sphere. Consequently, the resulting Riemannian metric is different than the round metric. In these seminar series, we understand the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on Berger spheres.

Ingredients of the individual seminars are as follows:

BS-1: Introduction, metrics on the 2-sphere.

BS-2: Berger sphere metrics.

BS-3: Spectrum of the complex projective space.

BS-4: Jacobi Fields on Spheres.

BS-5: Orthogonal, graded decomposition of the Berger Eigenspace.

BS-6: Nontriviality of Eigenspaces.

BS-7: Dimension counting for Eigenspaces.

BS-8: Dimension counting continued.

BS-9: First eigenvalue of the Laplacian on Berger Spheres.


We will be using the following resources.

  1. Tanno, Shûkichi. The topology of contact Riemannian manifolds.
    Illinois J. Math. 12 (1968), 700–717.

  2. Tanno, Shûkichi. The first eigenvalue of the Laplacian on spheres.
    Tohoku Math. J. (2) 31 (1979), no. 2, 179–185.

Minimal submanifolds of Einstein Spaces

We study the Riemann tensor of Einstein spaces. Also the Jacobi operator for a minimal and totally geodesic submanifold and the find its relationship to the Ricci curvature. We will be using the following resources.


  1. Kalafat, Kelekçi and Taşdemir. Minimal submanifolds and stability in Einstein manifolds by .
    E-print available at arXiv:2406.03347 math.DG, 2024.

Mean curvature of a Riemannian submanifold under conformal rescaling

We study the mean curvature and second fundamental form of a subspace of a Riemannian manifold, and understand its behaviour under conformally rescaling of the Riemannian metric.

Curvature decompositions in Einstein and Kähler spaces

We discuss irreducible decompositions of the curvature tensor in manifolds with special holonomy. The metrics considered are Kähler, Einstein, Calabi-Yau, Hyperkähler, Quaternionic Kähler and other special holonomy metrics. We will be using the following resources. We will be using the following resources.


  1. Salamon, Simon. Riemannian geometry and holonomy groups.
    Pitman Res. Notes Math. Ser., 201 Longman Scientific & Technical, Harlow; copublished in the United States with John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, 1989.

Minimal Surfaces and the Bernstein Problem

In this learning seminar series, we will give an introduction to minimal submanifolds of the higher dimensional spheres. In particular we give estimates on the index of the Jacobi operator. Talk about applications on the Plateau's problem and Bernstein conjecture.

Ingredients of the individual seminars are as follows:

B-1: Index of Spheres as totally geodesic minimal submanifolds.

B-2: Jacobi fields on totally geodesic minimal spheres in higher dimensional spheres.

B-3: Negative definite index form.

B-4: Killing Fields on the sphere.

B-5: Using Killing Fields on the sphere to find nullity.

B-6: An extrinsic rigidity theorem.

B-7: Rigidity theorem for higher codimension.

B-8: Rigidity theorem for higher codimension 2.

B-9: Sphere rigidity theorem.

B-10: Proof of the rigidity theorem.

B-11: Reformulation of the rigiditty theorem.

B-12: Laplacian of the second fundamental form on a sphere.

B-13: Laplacian of the second fundamental form on a hypersurface of a sphere.

B-14: Estimates on the shape operator.

B-14: Scalar curvature rigidity.

We will be following the classical beautiful paper.

  1. James Simons. - Minimal varieties in riemannian manifolds.
    Ann. of Math. (2), 88:62–105, 1968.

Minimal Submanifolds

In this learning seminar series, we will give an introduction to minimal submanifolds.

Ingredients of the individual seminars are as follows:

M-1: Minimal Surface equation and Calibrations

M-2: We derive the minimal surface equation for a graph and give an example of a Calibration.

M-3: We will talk on the relationship between minimal surfaces and harmonic functions.

M-4: We will see how meromorphic functions can be used to produce minimal surfaces. Weierstrass Representation Theorem.

M-5: Concrete examples will be given as application.

We will be using the following resources.

  1. Colding, Minicozzi. - A course in minimal surfaces.
    GSM 121. American Mathematical Society. AMS. Providence, RI. 313 p. 2011.


Alexei : Critical metrics for eigenvalues in Riemannian Geometry and minimal / harmonic maps:

Eigenvalues of a differential operator defined using a metric (Laplace operator, Dirac operator etc) are functionals on the space of Riemannian metrics. Investigation of critical metrics for these functionals is a natural approach in study of maximal / minimal metrics. It turns out that a relation between critical metrics and minimal / harmonic maps is a very powerful tool.

Craig : An extremal Kähler metric is a canonical Kähler metric, introduced by E. Calabi, which is somewhat more general than a constant scalar curvature Kähler metric. The existence of such a metric is an ongoing research subject and expected to be equivalent to some form of geometric stability of the underlying polarized complex manifold (M,J,[ω]) –the Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture. Thus it is no surprise that there is a moment map, the scalar curvature (A. Fujiki, S. Donaldson), and the problem can be described as an infinite dimensional version of the familiar finite dimensional G.I.T.

I will describe how the moment map can be used to describe the local space of extremal metrics on a symplectic manifold. Essentially, the local picture can be reduced to finite dimensional G.I.T. In particular, we can construct a course moduli space of extremal Kähler metrics with a fixed polarization [ω]∈H2(M,ℝ) , which is an Hausdorff complex analytic space

Differential Geometry Seminar Archive

This page is maintained by  Mustafa Kalafat
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Activities are supported by Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, University of Bonn and Boğaziçi University