Seminar on Geometry 

Summer 2015, ODTÜ, Ankara

Time / Location: (Monday), Wednesday and Fridays 2:30 / M-214

Schedule of talks


TIME              SPEAKER                  TITLE
Jun 5
Fri, 11:00
Eyüp Yalçınkaya
h-principle and φ-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds 1


Special submanifolds of the Page space 1
Jun 8
Mon, 2:00

Special submanifolds of the Page space 2


Special submanifolds of the Page space 3
Jun 10
Wed, 2:00

Special submanifolds of the Page space 4


Special submanifolds of the Page space 5
Jun 12
Fri, 2:00
Şahin Koçak
Metrik Geometri ve Filogenetik Ağaçlar
10. Ankara Matematik Günleri , M-13

Special submanifolds of the Page space 6

ACM Bundles on Algebraic Varieties
Jun 17
Wed, 2:00

Scalar curvature of complex surfaces 1
Jun 19
Fri, 2:00
Aleksandra Borówka Quaternionic Geometry 1

h-principle and φ-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds 2
Jun 22
Mon, 2:00
Özgür Kelekçi
Conical Singularities 1

Scalar curvature of complex surfaces 2
Jun 24
Wed, 2:00

Quaternionic Geometry 2
Jun 26
Fri, 2:00

Quaternionic Geometry 3

h-principle and φ-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds 3
Jun 29
Mon, 2:00
Özgür Kelekçi
Conical Singularities 2

Scalar curvature of complex surfaces 3
Jul 1
Wed, 2:00

Quaternionic Geometry 4


Scalar curvature of complex surfaces 4
Jul 3
Fri, 2:00

Quaternionic Geometry 5

h-principle and φ-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds 4
Jul 8
Wed, 2:00

Conical Singularities 3


Scalar curvature of complex surfaces 5
Jul 10
Fri, 2:00

Quaternionic Geometry 6

h-principle and φ-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds 5
Jul 13
Mon, 2:00

Scalar curvature of complex surfaces 6

Coassociative-free immersions 1
Jul 15
Wed, 12:00
Time Changed
Coassociative-free immersions 2

Aleksandra Borówka
Hyperkähler Geometry 1
Jul 17
Ramazan Bayramı (1.gün)
Jul 22
Wed, 2:00

Coassociative-free immersions 3


Coassociative-free immersions 4
Jul 24
Fri, 2:00

Hyperkähler Geometry 2

Coassociative-free immersions 5
No Seminar this week
Aug 5
Wed, 2:00

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 1
See also: Gazi University
Aug 6
Thu, 15:40
Ken Richardson
Generalizing the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem to the foliation setting
Aug 7
Fri, 2:00

Hyperkähler Geometry 3

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 2
No Seminar Invariants in Low Dimensional Geometry
Gazi University, Aug 10-14
Aug 17
Mon, 2:00
Hyperkähler Geometry 4

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 3
Aug 19
Wed, 2:00
Characteristic Classes of Bundles 4
Aug 21
Fri, 2:00
Hyperkähler Geometry 5

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 5
Aug 24
Mon, 2:00
Characteristic Classes of Bundles 6

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 7
Aug 26
Wed, 2:00
Hyperkähler Geometry 6

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 8
Sep 2
Wed, 2:00
Hyperkähler Geometry 7

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 9
Sep 4
Fri, 2:00
Paweł Borówka Hyperelliptic curves on abelian surfaces

Characteristic Classes of Bundles 10
Sep 7-9
28. Ulusal Matematik Sempozyumu
Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Antalya
Sep 11
Fri, 2:00

Conformal structures on tori
Sep 16
Wed, 2:00

Conformal structures on tori 2


Conformal structures on tori 3
Sep 18
Fri, 2:30

Quaternionic Geometry 7


Quaternionic Geometry 8
Sep 21-25
Kurban Bayramı
(1. gün 24 Eyl)
German National Meeting


Quaternion-Kähler manifolds: Lectures by Aleksandra Borówka

In this seminar series we will present results of a joint project with David Calderbank. The main result concerning quaternionic geometry is a generalization of the Feix-Kaledin construction of hyperkähler metrics in quaternionic geometry. The result is obtained using twistor theory. We will also present a similar construction, where we obtain a minitwitor space of an asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein-Weyl 3-fold.
Reference 1 : A. Borówka - Twistor constructions of quaternionic manifolds and asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein-Weyl spaces.
PhD thesis, University of Bath, UK, 2014.

Reference 2 : A. Borówka - Twistor construction of asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein-Weyl spaces.
Differential Geometry and its Applications., 35, (September 2014), 224-241.

Twistor 1: Introduction to Quaternionic manifolds.

Twistor 2: Introduction to Einstein-Weyl manifolds, parabolic structures.

Twistor 3: Introduction to Twistor theory.

Twistor 4: Generalized Feix-Kaledin construction 1.

Twistor 5: Generalized Feix-Kaledin construction 2.

Twistor 6: Generalized Feix-Kaledin construction - examplex and properties.

Twistor 7: Construction of minitwistor spaces of asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein-Weyl manifolds 1.

Twistor 8: Construction of minitwistor spaces of asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein-Weyl manifolds 2.

Hyperkähler manifolds: Lectures by Aleksandra Borówka

In this seminar series we will introduce and discuss ideas around the following papers:
Reference 1 : M. Kalafat, J. Sawon - Hyperkähler manifolds with circle actions and the Gibbons-Hawking Ansatz.
Preprint available at Arxiv math.DG/0910.0672.

Reference 2 : R. Bielawski - Complete hyper-Kahler 4n-manifolds with a local tri-Hamiltonian Rn-action.
Math. Ann. 314 (1999), no. 3, 505-528.

Hyperkähler 1: Introduction.

Hyperkähler 2: Gibbons-Hawking ansatz.

On the scalar curvature of complex surfaces

In this seminar series we will be working on the following paper:

Reference: C. LeBrun - On the Scalar Curvature of Complex Surfaces.
Geom. Func. An. 5 (1995) 619--628.

OSCCS 1: Introduction. Seiberg-Witten equations.

OSCCS 2: Chambers. Seiberg-Witten invariants.

Special submanifolds of the Page space

In this seminar series we will be introducing the Page metric. Also introduce an efficient coordinate system on it. Then analyse some submanifolds which make these coordinates partially constant. An introduction to the subject can be found at:

Reference: M. Kalafat, C. Koca - On the curvature of Einstein-Hermitian surfaces.

Subpage 1: Introduction. Topology of the space.

Subpage 2: Euler coordinates. Special surfaces of constant coordinates.

Subpage 3: Computing the connection 1-forms.

Subpage 4: Curvature 2-forms.

Lectures on Conformal Structures on Riemann Surfaces

In this seminar series we will give elementary talks on moduli space of conformal classes on elliptic curves. Reference:

J.Jost - Compact Riemann Surfaces. Springer-Verlag.

Tori 1: Teichmüller space and Moduli space of conformal structures. Meromorphic functions.

Tori 2-3: Weierstrass p-function. Embedding into CP_2. Elliptic integrals.

An introduction to Conifold Singularities

In this seminar series we will present an introduction to conifolds and their singularities. We will also comment on two different ways of repairing these singularities.

References: 1.P. Candelas and X.C. de la Ossa, ‘Comments on Conifolds’ Nucl. Phys., B 342 (1990), 246-268. 2.P. Candelas, P.S. Green and T. Hübsch’ Rolling Among Calabi-Yau Vacua’,Nucl. Phys. B330 (1990) 49–102. 3.Y-M. Chan, ‘Calabi–Yau and Special Lagrangian 3-folds with conical singularities and their desingularizations’, PhD Thesis , Oxford University (2005) 4.K. Becker, M. Becker and J. H. Schwarz, "String Theory and M-Theory, A Modern Introduction", Chapter 9 and 10 (2007).

Conical 1: Conifolds and conifold singularities.

Conical 2: The Deformed Conifold.

Conical 3: The Resolved Conifold.

h-principle and φ-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds

In this seminar series we will be working on the following paper:

Reference: İ. Ünal -
h-Principle and φ-free embeddings in calibrated manifolds.
International Journal of Mathematics Vol. 26, No. 5 (2015).

h-principle 1: Introduction.

h-principle 2: Embeddings.

Characteristic Classes of Bundles

In this seminar series we will be working on the chapter 4 of the following book:

Reference: Bott, Raoul; Tu, Loring W. -
Differential forms in algebraic topology.
Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 82. Springer-Verlag, New York-Berlin, 1982. xiv+331 pp. ISBN: 0-387-90613-4.

Bundles 1: Chern classes of wedge products, symmetric products and tensor products.

Bundles 2: Splitting principle.

Bundles 3: Euler class of a complex line bundle. (Section 6).

Bundles 4: Blow up process. Sphere as the unit sphere bundle of the universal bundle. (Section 20)

Bundles 5: Projectivization of a vector bundle.

Bundles 6: Chern classes from Leray_Hirsch Theorem and 2 exercises.

Bundles 7: Splitting principle and cohomology of flag manifold for rank 2.

Bundles 8: Splitting principle and cohomology of flag manifold for general rank n.

Bundles 9: Proof of Whitney Product formula via splitting principle.

Bundles 10: Proof of the equality of top Chern class and the Euler class.

Ken: The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem relates curvature to the Euler characteristic of a closed manifold or manifold with boundary. We will define and give examples of Riemannian foliations, for which an additional invariant, the "basic Euler characteristic", exists. We give a new formula for this basic Euler characteristic.

Pawel: We start with a brief and comprehensive introduction to theory of complex abelian varieties. Then we will present constructions that show the existence of smooth hyperelliptic curves on (1,d) polarised surfaces, for d=1,2,3,4. We will also show that there are no hyperelliptic curves for d>4. References: P. Borówka, G.K. Sankaran - Genus 4 curves on abelian surfaces For introductory material, the reader may consult texts like: H. Lange C. Birkenhake - Complex abelian varieties

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