Seminar on Geometry 

Summer 2014, ODTÜ, Ankara

Time / Location: Wednesday and Fridays 2:30 / M-214

Schedule of talks


TIME              SPEAKER                  TITLE
May 2
Mustafa Kalafat
Einstein-Maxwell 4-manifolds 1
May 9
Fri, 2:00

Einstein-Maxwell 4-manifolds 2

Emre Coşkun
See AG Seminar
Deformation Theory 3
(İkeda Room)
May 16
Fri, 2:00
Einstein-Maxwell 4-manifolds 3
May 21
Wed, 3:40
Caner Koca
Monge-Ampere Equations and Yau's Proof of the Calabi Conjecture
At Bilkent
May 22
Thu, 1:40
Buket Can Bahadır
Elliptic equations 1
May 23
Fri, 2:00
Mustafa Kalafat
Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 1

Emre Coşkun
See AG Seminar
Deformation Theory 5
(İkeda Room)
May 30 No Seminar
due to
Gökova Geometry/Topology Conference
Jun 3
Tue, 3:40
Caner Koca
Extremal Kähler Metrics and Bach-Maxwell Equations
At Bilkent
Jun 5
Thu, 1:40

Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 4
Jun 6
Fri, 2:00
Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 2
Jun 11
Wed, 2:00

Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 5
Jun 12
Thu, 3:25
9. Ankara Matematik Günleri, Atılım Ü.
İbrahim Ünal
Eğik Çarpım (4+3+1) Spin(7)-Dolanımlı Manifoldların Lif Yapıları
Jun 13
Fri, 10:40
Elliptic equations 2

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 3
Jun 18
Thu, 1:40

Elliptic equations 3


Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 6
Jun 20
Fri, 2:00
Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 4

Muazzez Şimşir Lectures on Information geometry 1
Jun 23-25
12. Geometri Sempozyumu

Jun 27
Fri, 10:40

Elliptic equations 4

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 5

Lectures on Information geometry 2
Jul 2
Wed, 12:00

Elliptic equations 5


Einstein-Maxwell 4-manifolds 7
Jul 4
Fri, 2:00

Elliptic equations 6

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 6
Jul 11
Fri, 2:00
No Seminar: An Invitation to Geometry and Topology via G2
Imperial College
Jul 14-17
G2 Days 2014
Jul 18
Fri, 2:00
Buket Can Bahadır
Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 1

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 7
Jul 23
Wed, 2:30

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 8
Jul 25
Fri, 2:00
Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 2

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 9
Jul 28-31
Aug 1
Fri, 10:40
Eyüp Yalçınkaya
Akbulut-Salur theory 1
Mirror duality in a Joyce manifold.

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 10
Aug 6
Wed, 2:00

Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 3

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 11
Aug 8
Fri, 11:00

Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 12

Akbulut-Salur theory 2
Aug 11
Mon, 2:00
Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 4


Special holonomy manifolds and mirror symmetry 13
Aug 13
Wed, 11:00

Akbulut-Salur theory 3


Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 5


Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 8
Aug 15
No Seminar
Aug 18-22
No Seminar Graduate Workshop on 4-manifolds
Stony Brook
Aug 23-27
No Seminar Workshop on Topology and Invariants of 4-manifolds
Stony Brook
Sep 3
Wed, 10:40
Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 6

İbrahim Ünal H-Principle and ø-free Embeddings in Calibrated Manifolds 1

H-Principle and ø-free Embeddings in Calibrated Manifolds 2
Sep 5
Fri, 10:40
Akbulut-Salur theory 4

Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums 7


Einstein-Maxwell manifolds 9
Sep 8-12
No Seminar Real and complex differential geometry
Bükreş , Romanya
Sep 18-20
No Seminar
New trends in differential geometry 2014
Cagliari , Italy


Elliptic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

Geçtiğimiz yıl bu konuda ancak Sobolev ve Hölder uzaylarının kurulumu, tanıtımına kadar gelebilmiştik.
Bu yıl kaldığımız yerden devam edeceğiz. Ana kaynak eserimiz

Lawrence C. Evans - Partial differential equations.
2nd edition. Graduate Studies in Mathematics, 19. AMS, Providence, RI, 2010.

olup, derslerin muhtevası aşağıdaki gibidir.

E-PDEs 1: Second order elliptic equations. Existence of weak solutions. Lax-Milgram theorem.

E-PDEs 2: Proof of Lax-Milgram theorem.

E-PDEs 3: Energy estimates and first existence theorem for weak solutions.

E-PDEs 4: Second and Third theorem for weak solutions. Fredholm alternative.

E-PDEs 5: Interior and boundary regularity.

E-PDEs 6: Maximum Principle.

E-PDEs 7: Harnack's inequality.

Einstein-Maxwell 4-manifoldlar
Riemann manifoldları üzerinde Einstein-Maxwell denklemleri: Claude LeBrun - The Einstein-Maxwell Equations, Extremal Kähler Metrics, and Seiberg-Witten Theory, in The Many Facets of Geometry: a Tribute to Nigel Hitchin, Bourguignon, Garcia-Prada & Salamon, editors, Oxford University Press, 2010, pp. 17--33. makalesiyle soyut matematiksel temele oturtulmuştur. Burada bu denklemlerin bazı özel çözümlerinden bahsedeceğiz. Özellikle Kähler manifoldlarında.

Maxwell 1: Einstein-Maxwell equations on a Riemannian manifold.

Maxwell 2: Decomposing the 2-form F. Constant Scalar curvature Kähler metrics.

Maxwell 3: Linearization of curvature tensors. Ricci and scalar curvature. Variational characterization of Einstein metrics.

Maxwell 4: Variational characterization.

Maxwell 5: Ricci form of a Kähler Metric. Closedness. Critical points of the Einstein-Hilbert action functional under conformal deformations are constant scalar curvature metrics. Critical points under all variations are Einstein metrics.

Maxwell 6: Linearization of the Einstein-Maxwell equations.

Maxwell 7: Weitzenböck formula for p-forms. Holomorphic Weitzenböck formula.

Maxwell 8:

Maxwell 9: Introduction to Cohomogeniety 1-manifolds: Homogenous spaces. Symmetric spaces. Isometry groups of some basic spaces. Semi-direct products. Examples: Rotationally symmetric surfaces. Page Metric.

Special holonomy Riemannian Manifolds and Mirror Symmetry
Özel holonomi gruplarına giriş niteliğindeki bu derslerde ana eserimiz: 1. Dominic D. Joyce - Riemannian holonomy groups and calibrated geometry. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 12. Oxford University Press, 2007. x+303 pp. ISBN: 978-0-19-921559-1 2. Robert Bryant - Some remarks on G_2 structures. Proceeding of Gökova Geometry-Topology Conference 75–109 (GGT) 2006. ve de Akbulut-Salur'un mirror symmetry yaklaşımlarını barındıran: Akbulut, Selman; Salur, Sema - Calibrated manifolds and gauge theory. J. Reine Angew. Math. 625 (2008), 187–214. Akbulut, Selman; Salur, Sema - Deformations in G2 manifolds. Adv. Math. 217 (2008), no. 5, 2130–2140. makaleleri olacaktır.

Holonomy 1: Principal bundles. Associate bundles. Reduction of the structural group. Spin structures. Relation to G-Structures.

Holonomy 2: Holonomy groups and parallel spinors.

Holonomy 3: Ricci-flat curvature and topology. A-hat genus.

Holonomy 4: Geometric measure theory: Rectifiable and Integral Currents. Compactness. Tangent cones.

Holonomy 5: Calabi-Yau manifolds.

Holonomy 6: Special Lagrangian Geometry.

Holonomy 7: Fiber bundle of positive (or definite) 3-forms on a 7-manifold. Abundance of G_2 structures.

Holonomy 8: Epsilon ε-notation. Topology of space of positive/definite 3-forms. G_2 representation theory. Orthogonal decomposition of forms. Intrinsic torsion forms.

Holonomy 9: Hyper-Kähler manifolds.

Holonomy 10: More on cohomology and topology of G_2 manifolds. Full G_2 finiteness, examples. Refined Betti numbers. Nontriviality of the first Pontryagin class for full G_2 metrics.

Holonomy 11: Quaternion-Kähler manifolds. Introduction to the Quaternionic hyperbolic space: HH^n.

Three Lectures on Einstein Manifolds by Caner Koca

Caner 1: The resolution of Calabi's Conjecture by S.-T. Yau in 1977 is considered to be one of the crowning achievements in mathematics in 20th century. Although the statement of the conjecture is very geometric, Yau's proof involves solving a non-linear second order elliptic PDE known as the complex Monge-Ampere equation. An immediate consequence of the conjecture is the existence of Kähler-Einstein metrics on compact Kähler manifolds with vanishing first Chern class (better known as Calabi-Yau Manifolds). In this expository talk, I will start with the basic definitions and facts from geometry to understand the statement of the conjecture, then I will show how to turn it into a PDE problem, and finally I will highlight the important steps in Yau's proof.

Caner 2: Einstein's Equations on Compact Complex Surfaces: After a brief review of Einstein's Equations in General Relativity and Riemannian Geometry, I will talk about one of my results: The only positively curved Hermitian solution to Einstein's Equations (in vacuo) is the Fubini-Study metric on the complex projective plane.

Caner 3: Extremal Kähler metrics are introduced by Calabi in 1982 as part of the quest for finding "canonical" Riemannian metrics on compact complex manifolds. Examples of such metrics include the Kähler-Einstein metrics, or more generally, Kähler metrics with constant scalar curvature. In this talk, I will start with an expository discussion on extremal metrics. Then I will show that, in dimension 4, these metrics satisfy a conformally-invariant version of the classical Einstein-Maxwell equations, known as the Bach-Maxwell equations, and thereby are related to physics (conformal gravity) in a surprising and mysterious way.

Information Geometry Lecture Series
Information Geometry is a branch of mathematics that applies the techniques of differential geometry to the field of probability theory. This is done by taking probability distributions for a statistical model as the points of a Riemannian manifold, forming a statistical manifold. The Fisher information metric provides the Riemannian metric. Information geometry reached maturity through the work of Shun'ichi Amari and other Japanese mathematicians in the 1980s. In this lecture series, our aim is to study mathematical foundations of information geometry and its relations to the other fields. Textbook: Shun'ichi Amari, Hiroshi Nagaoka - Methods of information geometry, Translations of mathematical monographs; v. 191, American Mathematical Society, 2000 (ISBN 978-0821805312)

Info Geometry: We will describe statistical models and give some examples. Then, we will define and give examples of Fisher information metric of a statistical model.

Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums
Referans: Dominic Joyce - Constant scalar curvature metrics on connected sums. Int. J. Math. Math. Sci. 2003, no. 7, 405–450. Yıl boyunca öğrendiğimiz PDE tekniklerinin Geometriye uygulamaları üzerine olacak.

Cscc 1: Yamabe Problem.

Cscc 2: Green's function rescaling trick to get scalar-flat structure. Glued metrics on connected sums. Combining constant and positive scalar curvature.

Cscc 3: Combining two metrics of constant scalar curvature. Using tube (cylinder) in between. Under LCF at a point assumption.

Cscc 4: Estimating the scalar curvature on the connected sum. Uniform bound. (2.4 & 2.5)

Cscc 5: Constant scalar curvature on the connected sum by rescaling. Using strong maximum principle.

Cscc 6: Constant negative curvature: + & - turns into -. - & - turns into -. (For ones having at least one LCF point.)

Akbulut-Salur Theory
Bu ders dizisinde Akbulut ve Salur'un G_2 alt manifoldları ve deformasyonları konularını içeren teorisine ayırdık. Referans: Akbulut, Selman; Efe, Barış; Salur, Sema Mirror duality in a Joyce manifold. Adv. Math. 223 (2010), no. 2, 444–453.

AS-1: Mirror duality in a Joyce manifold. Previously, they defined a notion of dual Calabi-Yau manifolds in a G_2 manifold, and described a process to obtain them. In this paper, they apply this process to compact G_2 manifold, constructed by D. Joyce and as a result they obtain a pair of Borcea- Voisin Calabi-Yau manifolds, which are known to be mirror duals of each other.

AS-2: G_2 metrics on S^3xR^4. Reference: Elementary constructions of metrics with holonomy G2 slides by Simon Salamon G_2 metrics on Λ_(M). M: self-dual & Einstein.

AS-3: Deformations of G_2 manifolds.

ø-Free 1-2 : Bu ders dizisinde,

İbrahim Ünal - h-Principle and ø-free Embeddings in Calibrated Manifolds. Preprint.

makalesi, gerekli altyapıya giriş ile birlikte anlatılacaktır. Konunun uzmanıolmayanların da soruları cevaplanarak genel dinleyiciye hitap edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır:

Abstract: We prove that the h-principle holds for f -free embeddings for coassociative, Cayley and quaternionic calibrations. As a result, we show that for coassocative calibration ∗j, an oriented smooth closed 4-manifold N4 can be embedded into a G_2-manifold M^7 as ∗j-free if the Euler characteristic of N, c (N) is zero.

This page is maintained by  Mustafa Kalafat
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